Well, I'm Jake.
I used to be in a forum called Muzic Forums.
But, it sucked there. Everybody was a bitch (sorry if cursing isn't allowed)
I made this account a few months ago, but never got on.
But no I decided to get on. :P
Basically I love all music excluding rap, it doesn't appeal to me at all.
I play a few instruments, my favorite being the guitar.
I can sing & scream

I'm the front-man of a local bad yay!
My favorite kinds of music are Metal, Deathcore, Screamo, Hardcore/post-hardcore and alternative.
Favorite bands include: The Used, Get Scared, Killswitch Enagage, and the old From First To Last.
I'm a pretty friendly, I like to meet others, so just talk to me? :]