Right, so I have about 250 plus songs in my solo arsenal so to speak but I want to get more. I know that there are a miriad of songs but I am looking for the big ones that I might be missing. I want songs that are relatively easy - more singer/entertainment than complex guitar work so no Stairway or Wipeout. Ha, speaking of Wipeout, my drummer sent me a link the other day to a funny site that had stuff for musicians. They had a "No Wipeout" sign like a no smoking sign. Man, there was another one that made me laught my butt off . . . I am gonna go look up the link. Ah yeah, the shirt had a handicapped sign with a guitar player sitting in the wheelchair with the word "Guitarded" on the side. Ok, so not exactly PC but I think it's hilarious. They had one for the drummer too. I found it, it is "musictshirtsetc" I thought I might send one of those handicapped drummer shirts to my drummer BUT I DIGRESS!
Any help on those cover songs would be great. I do have Brown Eyed Girl

I am trying to get as many cover songs as I can.
Thanks Foks,