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Old 03-11-2010, 08:13 PM   #67 (permalink)
Unrepentant Ass-Mod
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Originally Posted by anticipation View Post
Only ones I disagree with are The Doors and Yngwie Malmsteen. Despite the obvious cheese-factor I have to admit Yngwie is a killer guitarist, especially if you're into that whole technical scene.
I'd say that alone makes him a far better candidate for lists like this than, say, Nickelback. Proof that for all the instrumental abilities in the world he still can't write a song with a scrap of discretion. And that is why I think overindulgent crap like ELP and Asia deserve the top spots far more than the next one-hit-wonder who manages to make the top 40. I know those bands suck, but it's out of mediocrity, not misdirected talent.

There might be some glaring flaws with this list, but the prevailing bitch that lists like these are bad because "band X deserves to be on this list more than band Y" is as unimaginative as it is dull-witted. Do you really believe that everybody hates the same fifty artists, or that a list like that would make for a good conversation?

I don't agree with a lot of the artists on this list, it doesn't make my opinion any more "right" than anyone else's and it surely doesn't justify me bitching about how bad it is.
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