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Old 03-10-2010, 03:52 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SATCHMO View Post
You would be surprised the amount of "rock stars" who you would assume are rolling in dough, but aren't because they have terrible contracts, or don't have the sense to understand that being successful as an artist is every bit as much like running a business as any other endeavor that involves the exchange of goods an services for revenue.
Not to mention the young drug addicts. I think it was the VH1 special on Megadeth where Dave Ellefson said that during the So Far, So Good... tour he noticed the irony of having thousands of fans clamoring for him to sign their t-shirts and regarding him as if he was obviously rich and famous while he was actually deep in debt and any cash he got went straight to his drug habit.
Like an arrow,
I was only passing through.
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