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Old 03-06-2010, 06:04 PM   #6 (permalink)
Ba and Be.
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Originally Posted by SATCHMO View Post
I'm Extremely jealous. It's unfortunate That none of all the many music channels that we have, or have had in the states, haven't had programming that have come close to being as relevant to the subject of music as what you've given an example of here. It seems counter-intuitive that we can have 10 different variations of MTV and VH1 that are all dedicated to reality television. It boggles the mind.
Well sky arts has a couple of nights a month with music related programmes but they also broadcast programmes about Art, opera, classical musicians etc so it isn't music specific and is only good on 'themed' weekends. BBC4 is similar but Fridays are usually music nights that broadcast all manner of genres and some nights are better than others. Next Friday is a repeat of their Blues night that was on a few months though and is a great night of viewing. Blues Britannia: Can Blue Men Sing the Whites? is a fascinating doc regarding Blues music and it's proliferation into British music in the 60's with some great tales regarding Blues legends such as John Lee Hooker gigging over here in the 60's due to a lack of recognition stateside. Well worth a watch.

Our dedicated music channels here suck too with Kerrang playing some utter ****e these days pandering to pop metal music that appeals to teenage girls and not the average Metal fan. Avoid.

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