Originally Posted by asshat
..That offensiveness overides any musical proficiency they might have or how prettily they put their words together. It would be the same as a really talented cellist calling your mother a whore while performing.
To be honest I think you're letting him get off with that analogy because it's not the same thing at all.
Try this for size....
Imagine a talented cellist playing a gig to a bunch of pissed up thugs spoiling for a fight where he continually incites hatred & violence to his mother for no other reason that because of who she is and because she was born that way.
And said mother just happens to be across the street outside the gig minding her own business unaware that at kicking out time at the venue she'll probably be subjected to hatred & violence due to the pissed up hoards leaving the gig.
There's the truth of your analogy.