Originally Posted by asshat
..That offensiveness overides any musical proficiency they might have or how prettily they put their words together. It would be the same as a really talented cellist calling your mother a whore while performing.
Actually, I think that just screaming out "YOUR MOM IS A WHORE" in the middle of an otherwise peaceful piece would be epic win.
But I see nothing that indicates that the Angry Aryans are satirical, and therefore they're lyrics are apparently ****.
I also don't think that they're a very good band. I absolutely hate their singing. They're other musicians aren't half bad. They're songwriting is pretty generic stuff though, haven't seen anything really interesting so far in the songs I've been watching as I've been writing this. Decent breakdown at the end of "Advocation of Violence". "Still Just a ******" just plain old sucks. "Extinction is Forever" is probably the most interesting of their songs I've heard so far.
But that is not enough to make up for their lyrics.
YouTube - Right.org Contest:"No More Bailouts" performed by the ... is an example of a much more intelligent and musically interesting right-wing punk voice, although I still disagree with it's message.
Just to tell you... it's not all that punk. Maybe more like Greenday stuff.