Originally Posted by On ASunnyDay
Actually, none of these songs are about breakups..
OMG, I'm so sorry! It really seemed like that. This isn't the first time I've horribly misinterpreted somebody's songs.
Originally Posted by On ASunnyDay
I write without knowen inspiration sometimes, I'll just have an idea, even if itsn't from a personal experience. All these songs are fairly old. I'm having intense writers block, and haven't written anything in a few weeks.
Maybe here I could be more helpful than I was before. A lot of people think that writer's block is a period of time in which you CAN'T write. This isn't true. Writer's block is a period of time when you don't like anything you start to write. The trick is to write things you don't like until you want to punch through a wall. Then, next day, do it again. Keep doing it until it goes away. It doesn't matter if it's GOOD or not, so long as you've kept the pen-paper (or fingers-keys) connections active.
Originally Posted by On ASunnyDay
None of the ones up here are about MY breakups. Ones that are from expirence, are from perspective, and are, like, not really too personal. The ones that are gushy, aren't really my expirences, but just how I'm feeling. And thanks, if you have any sujestions, don't hesitate to tell me. 
IDK, I didn't think they were that gushy.