Seeing as though aryans are people with light skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes, what doesn't give them the right to be angry? They are associated with Hitler's perfect army and although I do not have Aryan coloring, I could see how this association would piss me off. Angry that your ancestors were retarded. Angry that millions of people died without a good reason. Angry with the violence and hate associated with your heritage. The idea of that is very punk.
Angry that bleeding hearts ignore the cultural and technological advancements which daily improve the life of billions?
The fact that you're probably not a Nazi and you listen to Nazi punk because ...I listened to a few Angry Aryan songs and the lyrics are all about how black people are savages.
Angry Aryans aren't NAZIs. On the album they're clearly pictured wearing shirts emblazoned with the Creativity Movement (formerly World Church of the Creator).... aside from the unusual viewpoint on Jews, the group's views on race aren't all that unusual. If you feel like an Oprah Bookclub selection, read the Poisonwood Bible - a similar theological argument is explained in brief in that book.
Why you think this is better then Crass absolutely perplexes me.
The Angry Aryans demonstrate a reasonable amount of proficiency with their instruments. Crass most certainly do not.
The lyrics don't both me because, while I'm not a racist, I am decidedly against Liberalism.