Originally Posted by Paloma
...I don't wanna die without any scars....!
I've been in plenty of them, for a large part of my life I did not control my temper, and some points I could get aggravated to the point I would snap and black out and not be able to control myself. This is very rare for me now, I learned to control that nonsense a while back. I'll only get irritated with people now, rarely ever angry.
I really hate the way girls fight though, mother****er you scratch me or pull my hair I'm gonna punch your tits up to your damn throat... but I've had my tussles with boys mostly.
I agree with all of this.
I had to learn to control my anger a few years back.
It's now very rare for me to snap.
Girls fight like ****ing sissys.
Pull my hair and I'll just do away with you, you deserve it for fighting like a ****ing jessy.