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Old 02-20-2010, 02:43 PM   #32 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Eureka, CA
Posts: 87

Originally Posted by tore View Post
^A couple of brilliant and impressive stories there Well done on beating those guys!

Originally Posted by tore View Post
The stuff you've trained has a fair bit of submission in it, doesn't it? How do you feel about it and have you ever used that in a real fight?
yes. My primary art is stad up Jujutsu, which is all about locks and throws. I train to be on the ground, but would honestly rather not tear my shirt and raspberry up by elbows and knees if I don't have to.

Yes, I used a wrist lock in the fight I descibed above. Actually I mispoke, though.

It wasn't kote gaeishi

it was this lock I can't remember the name of that I used to capture his arm and hit his face aganist the car:

Google Image Result for

However, it showed my lack of accomplishment at the time, or my urgency at dealing with several people instaed of remainnig calm. I should have been able to hold him against the car or folded it behind his back and used him as a sheild to talk the other guys out of it. Instead I let averythnig speed up on me and just smashed him down and retreated
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