Originally Posted by Cadrian
Every person that came and got their dead dog didn't say a word but they knew that it was the rules where we lived that must be done, because once they got the taste of chicken blood they would kill every chicken in the community.
Originally Posted by kayleigh.
My dog eats biscuits, but I regularly feed her (i don't wanna say this) Pigs ears, which she adores. She will often get fed some good meat from the butchers and such, only sometimes though.
Also, my dog goes out into my garden, picks up little animals, kills them and brings them home. What would a vegetarian do in this situation? It's only natural instinct to kill, as carnivores...In nature when animals kill animals how do you feel? 
If anyone saw "7 Years in Tibet" with Bradd Pitt- not that great of a movie, but an interesting topic in it.
The monks are trying to build a temple, and it takes them sssooooooo long because they don't want to kill any worms in the dirt they are digging up to establish the temple foundation. Completely impractical.