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Old 02-16-2010, 02:07 PM   #159 (permalink)
Nae wains, Great Danes.
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Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
Hi Neapolitan! Thank you for your questions. I really am happy to answer them.

A related issue I face is with my violin bow: it has horse hair. I very much doubt people harvest long hairs from *living* horses. I need to investigate the little-known, potential horrors of the horse hair trade.
Wow. As much as I think you're great/amazing/lovely. You're also crazy.

Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
A very good question and not easy to answer. My view: yes, vegetarians may care for certain pets and certainly strays, but not make pets out of wild-caught animals or animals who really shouldn't be captive because they don't enjoy it. I wouldn't own a pet where I had to kill another animal to feed her or him, though. I actually know a vegetarian who feeds her dogs steaks, probably reasoning that this is healthiest for the dogs...though I wonder why she ignores what is best for the cows.
My dog eats biscuits, but I regularly feed her (i don't wanna say this) Pigs ears, which she adores. She will often get fed some good meat from the butchers and such, only sometimes though.

Also, my dog goes out into my garden, picks up little animals, kills them and brings them home. What would a vegetarian do in this situation? It's only natural instinct to kill, as carnivores. I don't understand the statement bolded, if every animal had to walk on egg shells, being considerate. I'm estimating that nothing would exist. Isn't Vegan really unhealthy as you aren't getting the right amount of Vitamins/Minerals. My old Biology teacher told me Vegans were nuts, she didn't know how they could do it. I believe her words were "It's basically damaging".

Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
While dogs can be vegetarian, cats do require a fatty acid found only in flesh, if I recall correctly...although I should think people could synthesize this component to make veggie cat food. I feel feeding renderized animal parts to cats is probably not healthy for cats and definitely is not good for the livestock animals! I used to own a cat, but wouldn't now because I would feel guilty and sad about supporting the killing of one animal (cows) to feed another (cats). I loved my cat very much, though. The bond of friendship I felt with her helped me feel more empathy for other animals. This is one of the nicest aspects of caring for a pet.
In nature when animals kill animals how do you feel? If you'd feel uncomfortable feeding your cat something that it would find else where if it was in the wild?

Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
I support free speech but myself do not put people down by saying they are like various non-human animals for the exact reasons you give, Neapolitan. Also, instead of "Kill two birds with one stone" I say "Find two berries in one bush."
Your hearts completely in the right place, but I'm afraid I now think you're nuts. No joke.

Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
i havent i refuse to in fact. it triggers my ptsd from yrs ago when i thought my ex's anal beads were those edible candy necklaces
Originally Posted by Dr. Rez View Post
Keep it in your pants scottie.
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