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Old 02-15-2010, 02:45 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Windsor, ON, Canada
Posts: 11
Default Amps picking up radio waves - any way to stop it?

Alright so I'm an amateur guitarist and I do a bit of recording and stuff in my house, but I live on a new street where a lot of new houses are being built. I've noticed that when I record, my amp picks up the short wave radios that contractors use (at least, I'm guessing that's where it's coming from). I get a ton of static, and a few occaisional voices. It happens with every cord I use, every guitar (even with the guitar not plugged in). It only happens with my Roland VGA-7 amplifier, only when I'm recording onto my computer (although I've had other amps pick up radio signals in the past).

Does anyone know someway to stop an amp from picking up radio waves, short of telling everyone in the nieghbourhood to turn off their radio? Any suggestions are welcome.
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