interesting. you think a world free of slavery wouldn't need entertainment?! i had a guy that owns a studio come up to me while i was busking around the time when the US was first deciding to inject 800 billion into the system... he told me that it doesn't matter how bad the economy gets, cuz there will always be people wanting to drink beer and have a good time listening to live music, so us musicians are always the safest... just gotta keep our chops up!
the nobel part: it's not getting rid of the nobel that would do anything at all. it's getting rid of the competition. of course it would take a paradigm shift in 100% of people's way of looking at things, but we wouldn't be working for our own safety, as that would be provided. we begin working for the system, for it is the system that would be our provider.
please keep in mind that ALL SERVICES WHICH COULD BE PERFORMED BY MACHINES, WOULD BE. so worrying about whether or not your product is good enough to trade or anything to that effect is an obsolete thought, because the whole idea behind the movement is to enlighten humanity to a point where being slaves to products and dollars is just NO LONGER ACCEPTABLE. critical thinkers and problem solvers all over the world would shift their focuses to making that a reality.
keep'em comin'!
and another thing: you say that competition is natural. now, is that because you've seen the research, or because it feels that way to you? either way, the research says it's natural because as far as anyone knows, it is. we've not really had any species that within themselves decide to share everything, because up until now, there has been a shortage of everything, so in the back of our minds somewhere is lurking this thought that sometime we might run out. what is the answer to this in an ape's head? get stronger. learn how to move faster. be able to outwit anything that challenges my ownership of these here bananas.
but in a human's head, a human with access to the flowering of a technological age unforeseen by any ape, it happens that we have a touch more reason and a touch more logic and a touch more love in us, and all this makes me not want to bash anyone's head in with a rock in exchange for bananas, but rather figure out how to acquire enough for me AND my friends, who were previously thought of as my competition.
know what i'm saying? i think this "competition" thing is like a complex is the consciousness of the modern world, something we share collectively, and it's the power of the dollar and that alone that puts a road block between us and thinking it's just a silly habit that can be overcome... and man, how good would THAT feel to wake up to everyday?!