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Old 02-12-2010, 08:41 PM   #50 (permalink)
midnight rain
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Originally Posted by duga View Post
I disagree. This happens everyday. People care about certain issues because those are the issues that are presented to them on a regular basis. There are many other issues in the world that require our attention, but no seems to care because, well, no one hears about it. As of this week here is what is on everyone's mind (in general)

1) Snow.
2) Haiti.
3) Complain about Obama.

Why are these the issues on everyone's mind? Because they are the issues being played over and over on tv. Throw in a new abortion issue or a new *** rights issue, those will be the new hot topics (and not because they are the most relevant). People are controlled politically everyday.
I said "control", not influence.

Most people who believe abortion shouldn't be covered are those in the South with strong ties to their religion, some of the most stubborn people in the country. Rationalization is pretty rare. None of those issues are particularly controversial, either.
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