The Peoples Republic of Mancunia
With apologies to wikipedia
Location: 53°28′0″N 2°14′0″W / 53.466667°N 2.233333°W aka the centre of the known universe.
The Republic of Mancunia lies in a bowl-shaped land area bordered to the north, south and east by England.
To it’s west, across the plains of Cheshire, lie the wastelands of Murkyside, a baron and desolate land who’s rat eating inhabitants constantly cast an envious eye over it’s more affluent neighbours.
The river Mersey runs through the south of the city and onwards through Merkyside and it’s capital, Loonypool.
The people of Mancunia frequently use the river as a public toilet and it’s contents are recycled and used as drinking and bathing water by it’s poorer Loonypool neighbours.
It would also explain their rather peculiar and nasty tasting local ale known as Higson's bitter.
Mancunia’s geographical features were highly influential in it’s development as the worlds first industrial nation. (more about that later)
77.6% people as 'White' (71.0% of residents as White British, 3.0% White Irish, 3.6% as Other White – although those of mixed European and British ancestry is unknown, there are over 25,000 Mancunians of Italian descent alone which represents 5.5% of the city's population). 3.2% as Mixed race (1.3% Mixed White and Black Caribbean, 0.6% Mixed White and Black African, 0.7% Mixed White and Asian, 0.7% Other Mixed). 10.3% of the city's population are South Asian (2.3% Indian, 5.8% Pakistani, 1.0% Bangladeshi, 1.2% Other South Asian). 5.2% are Black (2.0% Black Caribbean, 2.7% Black African and 0.5% Other Black). 2.3% of the city's population are Chinese, and 1.4% are another ethnic group.
Over 38% of Mancunians can trace their ancestory to Ireland and Manchester's Irish Festival, including a St Patrick's Day parade, is one of Europe's largest. There is also a well-established Chinatown in the city with a substantial number of oriental restaurants and Chinese supermarkets. The area also attracts large numbers of Chinese students to the city, attending the two universities.
History, Economics and Politics.
In the beginning...
The Brigantes were the major Celtic tribe in what is now Northern England; they had a stronghold in the locality at a sandstone outcrop on which Manchester Cathedral now stands, opposite the banks of the River Irwell. Their territory extended across the fertile lowland of what is now Salford and Stretford. Following the Roman conquest of Britain in the 1st century, General Agricola ordered the construction of a Roman fort in the year 79 named Mamucium to ensure Roman interests with Deva Victrix (Chester) and Eboracum (York) were protected from the Brigantes.
This decision greatly pleased the Roman rank and file as Mancunia was a great place to party 24/7 and the nightlife was nothing short of awesome. Central Mancunia has been a great place for a piss up ever since. (see culture)
Manchester began expanding "at an astonishing rate" around the turn of the 19th century as part of a process of unplanned urbanisation brought on by the Industrial Revolution.
It developed a wide range of industries, so that by 1835 "Manchester was without challenge the first and greatest industrial city in the world." Engineering firms initially made machines for the cotton trade, but diversified into general manufacture.
Similarly, the chemical industry started by producing bleaches and dyes, but expanded into other areas.
Commerce was supported by financial service industries such as banking and insurance. Trade, and feeding the growing population.
A centre of capitalism, Manchester was once the scene of bread and labour riots, as well as calls for greater political recognition by the city's working and non-titled classes.
One such riot ended with the Peterloo Massacre of 16 August 1819.
From that moment on, outraged Mancunians declared Manchester a republic and separated itself from the apron strings of England once and for all.
In true Mancunian style (we like to do things our way here), Mancunians failed (couldn't be arsed) to notify the British government of their decision. And to this day the Republic of Mancunia has remained something of an embarrassment to "dat there Lundon".
It was around this time that the work shy, greedy good for nothing job dodging Scouse bastards attempted to blackmail the good people of Mancunia by introducing a levy for all inbound goods via the port of Loonypool, bound for the hard working citizens of Manchester.
In the spirit of “doing things our way” the people of Mancunia dug (by hand) a ship canal stretching from the Irish sea to Manchester, thus becoming a self sufficient inland port.
"Levy? My arse! Grab the shovels r' kid!"
The economic school of Manchester capitalism developed there, and Mancunia was the centre of the Anti-Corn Law League from 1838 onward.
Manchester has a notable place in the history of Marxism and left-wing politics; being the subject of Friedrich Engels' work The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844; Engels himself spent much of his life in and around Manchester, and when Karl Marx visited Manchester, they met at Chetham's Library. The economics books Marx was reading at the time can be seen on the shelf in the library, as can the window seat where Marx and Engels would meet.
Engels + Marx + Manchester = Hey Presto...The Communist Manifesto!
The first Trades Union Congress was held in Manchester (at the Mechanics' Institute, David Street), from 2 to 6 June 1868. Manchester was also an important cradle of the Labour Party and the Suffragette Movement.
Monetary system; 20 spot, tenner, skin diver, the sob, or dab (1 sob, 2 sobs etc), 10 bob, shrapnel (small change).
Music of Manchester - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Manchester United F.C. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nightlife in Manchester & Night clubs in Manchester