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Old 02-05-2010, 05:21 PM   #13 (permalink)
Rose City til I die!
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Posts: 366

So this whole top-ten thing obviously never panned out as I was hoping, never really had time to do it properly. Since I need to update this and I have other reviews I'm anxious to get to, I'm just going to finish this off.

6. Russian Circles-Geneva
This post-rock/post-metal group from Chicago brings the goods again. Following up their fantastic debut Enter and their equally brilliant sophomore effort Station, Geneva sees R.C. both sticking with their strengths and experimenting with their sound. The addition of strings on Geneva make it a slightly different listen from their previous two albums, but doesn't hinder these guys from producing some kick-ass instrumental music all the same.

5. Isis-Wavering Radiant
More post-metal here. First review in this journal is Isis's Panopticon, which should give you some idea of how eagerly I was awaiting this album. However, there was some trepidation on my part as I really felt that In The Absence Of Truth was their weakest album to date, and I was very curious to see whether they could return to the form I loved so much in Panopticon. Luckily, Turner & Co. hit this one out of the park. I won't put it above Panopticon, but it's much much better than ITAOT and equally as good if not better than Oceanic.

4. Lightning Bolt-Earthly Delights
Downloaded this album on a whim. Had never really listened to much noise rock, at least not like this. Holy shit was I blown away. Definitely a sonic assault. What really does it for me with this album is the drumming, which ranges from crazy to fucking insanity. And I still laugh whenever I listen to Funny Farm, just too good.

3. Mew-No More Stories...
Another album that I downloaded having never listened to the band previously. Needless to say, after I listened to this one I made a frantic backtrack through the Danish art/prog/pop band's discography. Although I am seriously impressed with their complete body of work, for now I'll still say that this album is my favorite of theirs. Maybe it's only because it was the first one I heard, but the whole album is just great. Very solid. Easy to hum along to but not simple enough to fade into background music.

2. Brand New-Daisy
I'll be the first to admit I thought BN would never top The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me. Although I was impressed with the band's ability to mature enough to create a record of that considering their pop-punk roots, I was seriously expecting to be disappointed by Daisy. wrong, how wrong I was. Daisy is the musical equivalent of a surge of adrenaline. Vices, the first track, is one of the most off-putting opening tracks I think I've heard...but it definitely sets the tone for the rest of the record. The band hits and hits heavy, but the songs are concise and to the point. They don't linger, there's no filler intros or wasted time, with the whole album clocking in right at 40 minutes. Even better IMO than TDAG.

1. Silversun Pickups-Swoon
A lot of people will claim they knew what their #1 album of 2009 would be in January when Animal Collective's Merriweather Post Pavilion was released. I had to wait until April. As soon as I heard Swoon, though, I knew it would be a shoe-in for this spot. As many spins as I gave Carnavas, SSP's brilliant full-length debut, I've listened to this one even more. It's just so good, both the individual songs and the way they're put together on the album. Fuzzy is really the best adjective to describe this album, but it's not just the guitars, it's Aubert's vocals, alternating between dreamy and edgy, and the drumming, and the way all of the instruments just blend together so well. There is no weak point on this album as far as I'm concerned. From the hypnotic There's No Secrets This Year to the brilliant build-up in Growing Old Is Getting Old to the laid-back Draining, it's just phenomenal. Definitely no sophomore slump here.
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