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Old 02-01-2010, 09:55 AM   #59 (permalink)
Melancholia Eternally
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
Disney World can be fun—I used to work there actually and it was certainly a unique place to be employed—but Florida in general sucks. My whole thing is there are so many more worthwhile places in the US to visit. But many, if not most, foreign tourists wind up going to Disney World and I think they come away with the impression that the whole US resembles the craphole that is central Florida.
I can understand this. I know people who go there every year and have been doing so for many years yet Florida is the only place in the States they have ever been. Florida has such a rep for being a tourist location that i think an opinion like this is quite normal. It's like alot of English people and London. I like London in the sense thats its a fun place to go to for a few days but any more than that and it irritates me. Its a shithole really, it just happens to be a shithole thats fun in small doses.

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