came across this are my thoughts
Top 100 Punk Bands as voted by Punk Forum users - Rate Your Music
• Dead Kennedys should not be in the top 3 never mind 1. Clash? Sure.
• Buzzocks should be way higher – top 10/15
• Love the Bad Religion / Minor Threat spots.
• The fact Forgotten Rebels were on there was amazing, but should be
higher. (If they are on Teenage Head and Simply Saucer should be as well)
• Pistols at 12 would shock a few but I agree. Maybe a bit higher.
• LOVE Rancid so I might be bias – but good spot.
• No Distillers? Reason?
• Stiff Little Fingers I might put in the top 15.
• Stooges? Iggy? After Cirlcle Jerks? NOFX? I think Iggy did more for
punk than that.
• Never thought Television was punk. Any non punks who play at CBGB
seems to get Blondie.
• Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards - Punk band formed by Rancid's
guitarist which is only slightly better then Rancid, which isn't saying much.
(OUCH! WTF? How can you not like rancid?)
• Thought Pennywise/Buzz****s got kicked in the nuts with those spots.
Also thought these bands should have been on:
Chelsea...they could have cracked the list from “War across the Nation” alone!
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