#2: Lopez Tonight!

Let's come clean here, George Lopez isn't a success
despite being a Latino. He's a success
because he's a Latino. He's always played his strength - appealing to other U.S. Latinos. His constant whining about how racist American audiences are and how hard it is to be Latino drive me up the wall. For somebody so against stereotyping and racial profiling he sure does like to shell out the race jokes. But oh, it's okay, it's all in the spirit of fun right? I mean he's Latino and not White so it's just fine if he says "*****". He was tolerable on The George Lopez Show, but Lopez Tonight ushered in a whole new level of crude, racial "humor" that doesn't even come close to network late night, even though he consistently brags about the "change" he's bringing to late night television. And people are WACTHING IT!
But mostly, I just feel awkward watching his show. His jokes consistantly fall flat. He's a terrible interviewer, making the female guests seem very uncomfortable. His set is way too elabrate and... holy crap WHY is it outside? Atleast I
think it's outside... it sounds like he's outside. It's like watching a freaking telethon.
Now, let me say of course he probably faced difficulties as a Latin-American. And Latinos across the country still probably face difficulties. But if you really, truly want profiling and stereotyping to stop in this country, then show you mean it - stop trying to be "edgy" with the unfunny race jokes and start a new sitcom. Just please, please, Mr. Lopez, leave late night television forever.