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Old 01-27-2010, 08:51 PM   #5 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
I don't know anything about theology or this Eckhart person.

But this is why I choose to have no position on spiritual matters like this because I personally find statements like that to be incredibly pompous and stupid.

I don't consider death a blessing like some crazy people, I know life is terrible, but I have learned to treasure it anyway. Tragedy and suffering is merely a by product of life, but if you're still willing to continue living then in some way you have accepted life for what it is.

I'm not terribly interested in theology or philosophy, I don't think trying to find the meaning of life is worth the trouble even if there was a meaning because if we were meant to know it we would.
i can see how a lot of people would think that way, but think about this.

the reason we have self awareness at all is because there was a time in our evolution while we were still hominids and there was a surplus of food and no natural disasters. our hominid ancestors no longer had to focus all mental energy on survival only. we could sit and wonder...and thus developed the intelligence we have today.

the same still applies. without sitting and wondering on life and spirituality or even science, we would make no progress. we would not evolve mentally...we would be stuck the way we are.
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