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Old 01-27-2010, 11:34 AM   #11 (permalink)
Atchin' Akai
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The mood at work today was tense to say the least. Gone was the usual pre match banter always present on the eve of the usual Manchester derbies, for fear of verbal retribution tomorrow morning.
Because tonight's semi-final is no usual derby.
Fueled by the incidents that marred the 1st Leg is the added promise of a trip to Wembley for the winners. Add that to local pride and bragging rights for the rest of the decade all go to make the stakes uber-high.
The local pubs are admitting regulars only and the traditional red pubs/blue pubs are to remain exclusively that, with opposing fans not welcome.
The pubs that aren't closing tonight...are, as soon as the final whistle blows.
Riot vans are already on standby in the city centre and patrol the suburbs as I type.
As the legions of fans, both red and blue march on The Theatre of Dreams and the pubs of Salford and Manchester...the city braces itself for civil war!

God bless United...God help Manchester!
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