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Old 01-26-2010, 10:47 PM   #509 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 3,565

I don't mind Ehrhoff or Edler, but Willie Mitchell is just a complete tool. I hate the way he plays and he's usually the first one to start chirping at Kane or Toews. O'Brien I don't like for obvious reasons, and Salo's play has really changed in the past few years for the worse I think. As for Buff, at times (like when he actually gives a ****, i.e. when he thought Burke would give him an Olympic spot) he can be pretty dominant, but for the majority of the time he's either invisible or making bad decisions. I'll admit he's gotten loads better but he rarely uses his physical presence, he has a cannon of a shot that he never uses, and he's got some serious motivation problems. Brouwer does everything Buff does at a fraction of the price, and has been one of our most improved guys this year. Honesty, I wouldn't be upset if Buff leaves, in fact I'd be pretty suprised if he stays past the end of this season.
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