Originally Posted by shiftael
Seasons in the Sun - Terry Jacks
I was thinking today about songs I loved as a child, and Terry Jacks' "Seasons in the Sun" came to mind, which someone mentioned early on in this thread.
I must have been 9 or 10 when I first heard "Seasons in the Sun"...and it was meaningful to me because that was the age when I was first becoming more concretely aware of my own mortality. I always wondered who "Michelle" was in the song. A girlfriend? A friend? And why was the man dying? And, how awful it would be to die and leave everyone you love, never being able to experience anything again!
It seemed like a very sad song at the time, a song about someone having to let go of the active life all around him. However, I usually find I feel happier after listening to sad songs than before listening to them, so I'm not sure if it is really a sad song or a happy song!