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Old 01-25-2010, 07:11 PM   #288 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Originally Posted by FaSho View Post
I did this a long while back, and didn't include very many people, so here goes...

Alfred: My first friend on here, doesn't seem to get on much anymore, but I really respect him for being the same age as me and actually having manners. Also, great taste in music.

Lateralus: I wish I knew female's who were this cool.

KHFREEK: Regularly find myself not being able to hold a conversation with him because of his intelligence, and I definatley given him props for that, even though it's super-annoying.

dac: Basically my e-big brother. Taught me a lot about music...and poon.

Surell: The whitest black guy I've ever known.

AwwSugar: Probably the nicest person on here. Avoids argueing if possible. Liked her from the beginning.

Rickenbacker: From the ashes of Sweet_Nothing arise the pheonix of Rick. Sarcastic, Hilarious, A Total hipster. My kind of guy.

I'll do more some other time.
I think you need to do me.


My two daughters (Paloma, jessicat) = super cool. Just my influence.

Well no not really. You guys are awesome, Paloma keep livin' with whatever keeps you tickin' (I wanted that rhyme so badly), jessicat you seem like another Kayleigh kind of, very nice and all.

FaSho... you friended me on facebook? That makes you an A in my book.

duga... quite the awesome ex-bell, although when I first saw your old avatar I thought it looked a little like Darth Vader with headphones.

LoatheSome Pete and Bulldog..... you guys just strike my awesome chord, show up on my awesome-dar, whatever the metaphor I think both of you are very nice and some of the biggest contributors

right_track... lately I've been realizing you are one of the funniest guys on the forum.

Back with more later if I feel like it.
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