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Old 06-16-2005, 04:11 PM   #1 (permalink)
Sweet Jane
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Default Excellent we have a folk forum

Wow all Stu's campaigning has paid off

So let's get it started, some bands to check out that are of the folk genre or certainly have some folky elements.

Devandra Banheart - I can't recommend it enough.
Alisdair Roberts - I very much recommend 'When A Man's in love he feels no cold'
Bert Jansch - Wow. Folk legend.
Joanna Newsom - (if you can stand her voice) is also very good on the ole harp
Coco Rosie - it's all good.
Songs: Ohia - a guy called Jason Molina, and his newer band Magnolia Electric Co, I can't praise them enough. Listen to Songs: Ohia's album which is actually titled Magnolia Electric Co, tracks such as 'Farewell Transmission' 'I've been riding with the ghost' and 'Almost was good enough' are among the great tracks.
Jim O'Rourke - Start by listening to 'Women of the World Take Over'
Bonnie Prince Billy - My personal favourite songs is 'I See a Darkness'
Lou Barlow - was in Dinosaur Jnr, Sebadoh and Folk Implosion. His solo work covers a few different styles, folk is certainly included.
Papa M
David Kitt - I always liked his track 'I can't pass the day without thinking about you' sure thats what it was called, can't be arsed to look.
M Ward - folky country stuff. He's worked with loads of cool indie folky artists, including the guy from Grandaddy.
Smog - Okay so I'm moving away from folk towards lo-fi indie but appreciate 'Cold Blooded Old Times', 'Dress Sexy At My Funeral' and 'Held' and you won't give a damn
Rilo Kiley - fairy folky too, thats what I'm listening to now, but they are mainly indie pop, like Camera Obscura etc.
Calvin: "Do you believe in the devil? You know, a supreme evil being dedicated to the temptation, corruption, and destruction of man?"

Hobbes: "I'm not sure that man needs the help."
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