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Thread: Blackalicious
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Old 01-25-2010, 03:42 PM   #4 (permalink)
Al Dente
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Originally Posted by noise View Post

consider The Craft, Escape 2 Mars, or the last several albums/mixtapes that Lyrics Born has put out. their sound has changed a lot in the last 10 years. i guess i'd say that Lyrics Born has softened up more than Gift of Gab, but they're both really becoming "poppy" for lack of a better word.

i'm not sure if i'm complaining about this or not. The Craft is a really great album. Escape 2 Mars is phenomenal. but when you look at them side by side with the early stuff, they just don't compare. i mean, listen to Melodica or Latyrx - The Album. or even Solesides Greatest Bumps. those are some down and dirty rhymes!
I agree. Having discovered Blackalicious shortly after Nia was released, nothing has ever really held up to that album for me. Blazing Arrow and The Craft are both good albums, but nothing the collective have done in the past 10 years has quite lived up to the stride they hit right at the beginning of their career.
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