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Old 01-24-2010, 06:24 PM   #43 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Rickenbacker View Post
Ehh debatable. I find their post-BSSM stuff pretty samey, but I might be biased because of how annoying and ubiquitous their fans at my school are.
pretty samey??? No way! that's when they started evolving! each album after BSSM is completely different from its predecessor! Just listen to the stuff off Stadium Arcadium and try to tell me it sounds anything like Californication. no way.

and i actually liked stadium. it can't compare to by the way in any way but its still a great album. it takes a little to recognized that they've changed, but hey, they're growing up.

and now that john's gone, flea should have a bigger role. so who knows what's coming...
1.) The Beatles
2.) Switchfoot
Others: Elvis Presley, Relient K, Thrice, DC*B, RHCP...
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