1)Drank Like a River – Whiskeytown
Because this song is awesome and it reminds me of a friend’s band who used to cover it. Good memories, good song.
2) Can’t Hardly Wait - The Replacements
I just absolutely love the Replacements. Love the horns in this song. It’s really catchy and I think you’ll all enjoy it.
3) Stuck Between Stations - The Hold Steady
Amazing band. I love Craig Finn’s voice so much and his lyrics are always amazing. I enjoy the narrative style song writing thing he’s got going on. I really like this album (Boys and Girls in America). For a fun/cute song, check out the “chillout tent” for an amaaazing song, one you have to pause and catch your breath for check out “first night”
4) Fables – The Dodos
Everyone needs some fun indiepop songs.
5) Angel on my Shoulder – Melvern Taylor
Love it.
6) Stray Dog and the Chocolate Shake – Grandaddy
Good band, good song, really catchy.
7) Five Years Time – Noah and the Whales
This song makes me so happy. And, yayyy ukulele!
8) Nothing to Worry About – Peter Bjorn and John
Really cool song. These guys have some good stuff. The music video is worth checking out.
9) Come Pick Me Up – Ryan Adams
Oh man, this song just kills me. Banjo, yes. Harmonica, ohh yess. Sexy voice, god yes.
10) I and Love and You - The Avett Brothers
“three words that got hard to say: I and love and you” with lyrics like that, how can you not love this song?
If you’re digging alt-country right now, like I am, then def check out # 1, 9 & 10