Music Banter - View Single Post - Is it just me, or does heaven sound like a really horrible place?
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Old 01-21-2010, 12:31 PM   #3 (permalink)
Yukon Cornelius
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I follow nothing to be honest, however what i have heard is that we are all being tested here on earth and that nothing here really matters that much once you pass over. With this being said to me its sounds as if this is just part of our "souls" journey.

I'm a firm believer however that once you die thats it. Maybe when I'm on my deathbed I will shoot a few foxhole prayers and the good lord will let me through the majestic pearly gates.

Ghosts on the other hand I am undecided about. Ghosts to me are residual energy left from the living with no conscience. The best way i can think of to discribe what i am trying to say is they are sorta burned into the earth "I know wierd right".

Science project,

Grab a camera and go into a pitch black room, turn on the flash aim it at your hand and take a picture within a few seconds you will see your hand whether it is still there or not. Don't do this a ton as it is horrible for your eyes.


Attempting to find a cure for Stupid...
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