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Old 01-20-2010, 12:17 PM   #11 (permalink)
thirsty ears
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i actually grabbed it earlier today, but i got a bad copy. the silence between the tracks is all messed up, so the last few seconds of each song actually appear on the next track...

that aside, i wasn't too excited. there are a lot of demos and "radio" versions, which more or less sound like the LP versions of the tracks. the soundtrack discs are hit and miss, especially since they're not official, which means all dialog and ambient sounds are intact, making it hard to sit and listen to them.

then there are a bunch of tracks that can easily be found on waters/barrett/gilmour solo albums.

i still want to spend some more time with it, see if there's anything really new and exciting, but so far i've not seen anything to shout about.
my flac collection
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