Music Banter - View Single Post - Emancipator - Safe in the Steep Cliffs
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Old 01-19-2010, 06:52 AM   #1 (permalink)
thirsty ears
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Default Emancipator - Safe in the Steep Cliffs

Safe In The Steep Cliffs' represents the tightest, most unique, most organic beats I've made in the last three years. This album has a new palette of sounds and samples from around the world, including more original recordings (guitar/violin/mandolin/banjo) and new guest artists including Japanese jazz musician Uyama Hiroto. It's ominous and overgrown, dense and ethereal. And epic. Always epic.
Just came out today. I know there are quite a few fans here so I thought I'd spread the news and get some talk going!

I've not had time for a proper sit-down listen yet, but I really do like what I've heard so far. His description of the album that I quoted above is spot on. There is a lot more variety here than in Soon It Will Be Cold Enough. It also feels more subdued, more subtle. Not sure yet if that's a good thing.

So far, the standout track for me is Old Devil. It has a bit of a twang to it, and reminds me in parts of music from the TV show Firefly. It's shiny!
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