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Old 01-18-2010, 10:19 PM   #1 (permalink)
Fast Frankie
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Default Spacek (Lounge, Downtempo, Electronica)

So there may come a time in your life where you find yourself at the tail end of a very long and confusing trip riddled with humor, fear and Family Guy. This said trip may leave you feeling exhausted, almost completely out of energy from the frantic laughter.

When you want to make sense of it all, use Spacek! The future is now! This is your life and it's ending 1 minute at a time!

good ole Stevie Spacek knows alllll about reeling in a good mind after some baad stuff. Spacek is a like a master fisher man... and all master fishermen are masterba..... uh ummm, we won't go there

So anyways, this Spacek guy is worth a listen for a couple of key reasons.


How Do I Move?
DL it


I Have a Daughter That Sings
DL it

These 2 songs are from Curvatia, an excellent release. Very spooky, silky, sexy, loungy, it's a fun experience. Enjoyable but not always immediately accessible. Spacek is important to note because he has taken R&B very deep into electronica, something which is showing up as an influence in recent works by some very well know electronica groups.

Please forgive me for not have you tube videos here to watch, for some reason none of spaceks older stuff is not available on youtube but if I can find them I will post.

You can also just buy the album here:

Smile, don't take it too seriously!
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