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Old 01-14-2010, 10:15 PM   #14 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog View Post
Alright well how does this square with Clinton both today and in 1993 when he poured relief effort in there? Was the money poisioned?

I mean if you're going back to benito cereno, I would imagine that yeah we took a couple whacks at Haiti, and given it was French Dominated I'm sure we stepped up to help there (as we GD always do stupidly) but I don't think we're, in modernity anyway, going after Haiti to the point that we're ruining them.

We had 8 years of America attempting to install democracies. Why leave out Haiti?
i could agree if it was an honest attempt to better the country. there always seemed to be another agenda, imo. the aid we pour into the country is worthless if all it does is contribute to outstanding debts. haiti has consistently asked for only one thing: debt forgiveness. if they had they would be back to even and they could get on with focusing on their own country. the leaders we keep sticking them with always seem to be the same people the haitians ousted in the first place.
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