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Old 01-11-2010, 02:11 PM   #2127 (permalink)
أمهاتك[وهور]Aura Euphoria
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Originally Posted by Paloma View Post
I did a bunch of vicodin the other day, it sucked because all I did was sleep and get really angry at everyone.
PKs suck for me. The only time I ever really enjoy them is doing the whole take a ton of them, feel like **** for an hour, then puke, feel half decent for a bit, scratch my nose for a while, then start drinking to feel better.

I also leanred not too long ago that drinking on Soboxin is the worst idea ever. If you dont die, you'll probablly wake up feeling like you are laying in a fire ant hill, with a full body itch and huggin the toilet.

Lew Harrison, who looked like an anarchist with his red eyes and fierce black beard, had been writing furiously in one corner of the room. "That's good—happiness by the kilowatt," he said. "Buy your happiness the way you buy light."
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