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Old 06-15-2005, 01:42 AM   #233 (permalink)
Bright F*cking Red
PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2005
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they disbanded (or went on an indefinate hiadus or whatever you want to call it) because they felt they needed to spend time with their family and think about their lives..

now that ive answered your question.........go die.

but before you do that....use the forum search....and give me a number on how many blink 182 threads there are.
How'd I end up here to begin with? I don't know.
Why do I start what I can't finish?
Oh please, don't barrage me with questions to all those ugly answers.
My ego's like my stomach- it keeps shitting what I feed it.
But maybe I don't want to finish anything anymore..
maybe I can wait in bed 'til she comes home. and whispers....

Originally Posted by Shooting Star
Remember kids: It's only real metal if the vocalist sounds like he's vomiting up a fetus. \m/
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