“In the days of my youth I was told what it means to be a man”
That’s the first line of “Good Times Bad Times” the opening track on Led Zeppelin’s eponymous 1969 debut. It was in the days of my youth that I was first exposed to Zeppelin. They entered my world just as I hit adolescence and brought my musical taste to maturation. The music was so raw and heavy at the time and the guitar riffs seemed to be and turns out were unforgettable. Turn on any of the first five Zeppelin LP’s and there are at least two songs even the most novice of listeners can identify right away. The notes stick with you.
Led Zeppelin was the biggest band in the world in the 1970’s. They sold out everywhere they went and delivered some of the most intense and electric shows that rock music ever has and ever will see. Their commitment to expanding the influences and range of Rock music was apparent from the start and helped usher in an era of exploration that has helped shape the musical landscape of today. They are members of 24 different recognized musical hall-of-fames world wide, lets add one more to the list.
It’s for all these reasons (and so many more) that
I nominate Led Zeppelin for the Music Banter Hall of Fame.
Commercial Successes
Released Seven fantastic albums in seven years from 1969-1976. And two more following which enjoyed commercial success but are not as well remembered as those from the bands most prolific era.
All nine Platinum albums. IV has gone platinum 23 times. They rank among the top ten highest selling artists in Music History.
Ranked #1 Hard Rock Artist of All-Time By VH1
Ranked #4 Rock & Roll Artist of All-Time By VH1
Ranked #14 All-Time By Rolling Stone’s “Immortals”
Official Music Banter Zeppelin Thread
Here’s one of Urban’s very first posts, always a staunch critic of the band for their larger then life performances, even he shared some love for the Zep when asked about his favorite album by the band.
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
Presence , simply because it`s not as bombastic as the rest of their stuff. I like it that it’s more introspective & personal rather than just songs about having sex & mythology. I like it that this is Led Zep at their most vunerable & peronally I think Achillies Last Stand is head & shoulders above Stairway To Heaven.
What’s wrong with Sex and Mythology. Those were my favorite to subjects at University.
Greatest Zeppelin Song MB Thread
It takes 15 songs before the same one gets mentioned twice. How’s that for a deep discography. Over 40 different Zeppelin songs are mentioned as personal favorites in all.
Ours is the folk music of the technological age.
-- Jimmy Page
Zeppelin is recognized mostly for their hard edge rock riffs and thunderous live performances. However they wrote several very good folk influenced songs including; Bron-Yr-Aur, That’s the Way, Thank You, Tangerine, Going to California and so many more.
My vocal style I haven't tried to copy from anyone. It just developed until it became the girlish whine it is today.
-- Robert Plant
Plants voice was another instrument that complimented the entire sound of the band. He was not a great lyricist or vocalist, but a perfect fit, as perfect as there has ever been.
Please consider all of these factors as well as your personal feelings when deciding whether or not Led Zeppelin should be included amongst the final nominees for our inaugural Music Banter Hall of Fame class. Thanks in advance to everyone here who reads, votes and submits their own opinions.