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Old 01-04-2010, 06:17 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Lincoln, UK
Posts: 1
Default -insert generic introduction title here-

Hey boys, girls and otherwise.
I'm Ben, or Steedy if you like.

Semi-pro musician, programmer, writer, singer and producer, and I'm currently working on my solo début album as well as an EP with my band. I'm looking forward to meeting some more musicians here and finding some cool music!
I have a very eclectic taste in music.. It varies often, and changes frequently. It's probably best that you say your favourite artists to me and I'll say if I like them or not, instead of doing it the other way round.

I'm an extreme nerd and steampunk. I'm sure very little people know about steampunk here. :P

Okay I think I'm done melting your face with immense boredom... Yes that is what happens if you get too bored, so be careful!

Take care, guys, and if anyone's interested in checking out some of my music, just close your eyes.
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