Music Banter - View Single Post - Top Ten PUNK Bands (post fall out boy at own risk)
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Old 01-04-2010, 02:35 PM   #279 (permalink)
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 22

10. No use for a Name
A fairly unknown band, but they are very good and have very true lyrics
9.Black Flag
A great band, love their sound, but their only flaw is that all of their songs sound pretty much the same
8. Bad Religion-
How can you not like these guys
7. Less Than Jake
This is a more-of-ska band, but really good. People usually classify them as "poser punk" but i disagree.
6. Flogging Molly
This irish-folk punk band is among the best
5. The Ramones- A lot of metalheads that try to start liking punk start with them, but usually fail
4. The Clash- better than the Ramones
3.Operation Ivy- Probably the best of their time
2. Streetlight Manifesto- I'd disagree that they are just ska.....
1. Agent Orange.......
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