1. How did you let in the New Year?
In a niteclub with my closest friends, shots of sambuca in hand which we all knocked back on the stroke of midnight.
2. What are your hopes for 2010?
Find a decent job, or apply for a masters degree. Go to as many gigs as i can. And find the perfect girlfriend.
3. On reflection, what was your personal highlight of 2009?
Finishing college.
4. Your favourite album of 2009?
A toss up between Tegan and Sara - Sainthood, and Passion Pit - Manners.
5. If you could turn back time what would you change about something that happened last year?
I'd try harder in my final year of college and get a better degree.
6. In 2010 I predict...
I'll either be working a sh!tty job or unemployed, maybe i'll get a visa and move to Canada. And I'll probably end up in more pointless, month-long relationships with girls. It'll pretty much be the same as last year.