Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
I completely agree with that. I dont see why these people should be considered heroes just because they've been on TV. Like you say, Hawking actually had a reason to be admired, he kept going with everything and tried not to let his disability get in his way.
Its like the Kylie thing, when she was diagnosed with breast cancer... People die of that far too often for Kylie to be getting all the attention shes getting now. I saw an ad the other day saying "Help Kylie's cancer, pick up a cancer awareness bracelet today"...
There are people far more deserving of all this attention and respect, but because these people are on TV, they're more important.
I totally agree with your statement. I was confronted with cancer in my closer family and it was (and still is) very hard to deal with it. But you have to go on and fact is: It happens every day to - much too many - people. All of them have to live with this problem. It's ridiculous that people are suddenly interested in cancer or disability just because it happens to a famous person!
But at least these persons make people aware of the cruelity that exists on this planet. If it makes people donate for organisations and foundations, then it hepls, doesn't it?