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Old 12-30-2009, 03:27 PM   #9 (permalink)
Music Addict
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For me it was probably a combination of Metallica and Megadeth, both. Up until about 6th or 7th grade I'd just listen to oldies on the radio and commercial rap stuff like Tag Team, Snow, Vanilla Ice, etc. At some point my best friend and I listened to a copy of Countdown to Extinction his brother just had laying around their room, fell in love with the sound, and it just went from there.

Although my tastes have moved on a bit since then, they were still the first 2 bands that I really dug through their back cataloge, bought nearly all their albums, knew all the members names and songs 100% by heart, etc.

Thinking back now, I probably listened to Rust In Peace more times in total than I have any other album in my life.
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