Originally Posted by kayleigh.
I got a Twilight dvd for my xmas, because I was moaning about not being able to go see new moon with my friends as I hadn't seen the first, so yeah. I watched Twilight today, I found it to be awesome! 
Hey, I just checked out Twilight from the library a week ago, and was surprised to find I liked it a lot, too! More than New Moon, which is the latest movie I watched (2 days ago).
I just finished the Twilight book yesterday and realize now why fans were disappointed with the movie: much of the dialogue between Bella and Edward was cut out in the movie, making their impassioned love connection seem less probable. One thing I *did* like about Twilight, the movie, is that Bella is shown to be vegetarian, although she is *not* vegetarian in the book. I think the movie makers made this change to try to provoke some thought about the ethical issues of killing/eating/food choices and add a layer of depth missing from the books. Edward and his vampire family are to the majority of vampires, who never question being predators of humans, as vegans and vegetarians are to most humans, who rarely question being predators of non-human animals. As a vegan, I of course picked up on this issue right away.
I agree Robert Pattinson (Edward) makes a very pretty vampire. He also played Cedric in the Harry Potter series. I didn't realize that until recently. I just remember, while watching a Harry Potter movie, thinking what a beautiful person Cedric was. He looked so clean-cut and heroic!