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Old 12-26-2009, 02:35 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Watch This: 70-Minute Video Review of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Read more: Watch

Some of you guys might have seen this already. I think it's hilarious. Enjoy.

Link to the Original Site

"Chances are you probably didn’t like Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. You might be a Star Wars fan, or at least a fan of the original trilogy. After waiting in line for hours, days, weeks, you may have even written a mini 200-400 word review on an internet message board somewhere. If you were a working movie critic, you might have even written a 1,000-2,000 word review of the film for some newspaper or magazine. All of this exists in the realm of possibility…but what about a 70-minute video review?

Some guy named Mike from Milwaukee, WI put together a 70-minute video review discussing the many reasons why the movie was horrible. And this isn’t your usual fanboy rant, this is an epic, well-edited well-constructed piece of geek film criticism. In fact, the way I learned about the video was from Lost co-creator and Star Trek producer Damon Lindelof, who said “Your life is about to change. This is astounding film making. Watch ALL of it.” Watch the video review embedded after the jump."

“In this opening segment I discuss the major flaw of The Phantom Menace which is the characters and the lack of connection with the audience.”

“Part two now focuses on the second biggest problem with the Phantom Menace, the story. The mystery plot lacking direction and emotional involvement was really the other big problem. No tension, no drama, no stakes. Characters aimlessly follow along the events."

“Paaaaaart 3. Shit just got real.”

Part 4:

“Part 5 focuses on the real “Phantom Menace” which is Qui-gon Jinn. His character makes no sense as do his actions. I also focus on Anakin Skywalker and how that character sucks too.”

Part 6: “Things that don’t make sense at the ending and an analysis of light saber duels”

Part 7:
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