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Old 12-17-2009, 09:07 PM   #206 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
A .cab file is basically a compressed archive that holds a lot of files Windows uses when it's being installed. The '.cab' refers to the file extension. Being that the .cab files are located on the Windows install CD, you'll have to insert the XP install CD in your CD drive and navigate to i386 and select the .cab file as the source from which you'll be restoring your jscript.dll file.

- You'll type 'jscript.dll' in the File To Restore box
- In the Restore From box, you'll click the Browse button then navigate to your CD rom, then i386, then the .cab file. Double clicking it should put the path of the .cab file into the Restore From box.
- Continue with the rest of the instructions.

If you don't have your XP install disk, you can download jscript.dll from jscript.dll free download -

If you go that route, simply place the file somewhere on your C: drive and use that location as the Restore From path.

Let me know if that sorts you out.
thanks for all the help. it turns out though that there are even more problems on this computer - which is a family computer - than i thought, so we're going to do this repair thing from the XP cd that will hopefully fix it all; since it refuses to system restore.
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