Music Banter - View Single Post - 5 Star Albums: Every Song
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Old 12-14-2009, 02:20 AM   #48 (permalink)
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I really cant think of any albums where each individual song is equal to the album as a whole...where I can take every track out of context and feel like every one is a perfect 5 star song...I go thru my favorites and I can't find any

Siamese Dream
has "Sweet Sweet", OK Computer has "Fitter Happier", Loveless has "Touched", In Utero has "Tourette's" just goes on...

even the undisputed classics...Dark Side of the Moon? "On The Run", Sgt Pepper? "Good Morning"...these songs work in the context of the album, but on their own they clearly dont stand up as well as the others

I don't think theres a single record where at least ONE track judged by itself isnt just a little less good than the others
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