Questions about weight lifting
Hey everyone.
I'm 13, 170 pounds and 5' 5". I've really gotten into getting into shape lately. I hate knowing I can get fatter and fatter, increasing my man boobs. I've started exercising alot and I feel better about myself even thought it's been only a week or so. I've also started weight lifting, and it feels great to work my muscles.
So I had a few questions.
1.) Does weight lifting affect growth? A friend told me it did, but I'm not sure. Can someone clarify?
2.) What would a good limit for weight and reps be? I can handle probably 40 pounds and thats including the bar, without hurting my arm.
3.) Anything I can do to advance muscle growth? I don't want to use steroids or anything like that. Maybe Creatine or Whey Protein.
Thanks guys, I'm going to be working out with a close friend every weekend at the local gym in addition to my workouts as home. I'm considering even making a progress journal.