Originally Posted by SATCHMO
Even if you stick him in a comedy he's still playing Robert DeNiro...in a comedy...yay..
i don't really understand what you're trying to say. You could switch his name with the name of any actor in that sentence.
He's the same person (****in duh) but he plays different characters well. What similarity is their between the characters he portrays in meet the fockers, raging bull, hide and seek and goodfellas? aside from the fact he's still him. Which is like saying an orange is an orange that makes it a bad fruit.
and name me an actor who could have played any of his parts as well as he did? al pacino? he can suck an egg. He's great, one of the best. But he couldn't have played de niros part in raging bull or hide & seek or even meet the fockers.
de niro is an icnredibly versatile actor. Just because the majority of the parts he plays is the tough guy/gangster role doesn't mean he's not versatile. He's proven he can play completely different characters with the movies i mentioned.
Anyway, if something isn't broken, don't fix it. Like i said, nobody could play his roles better than he could.
"Anthony Hopkins" - starred in one decent movie and he's one of the best actors ever? The guys living off hannibal lector. What else has he done to deserve that kind of status? beowulf?

that movie was trash.