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Old 12-11-2009, 09:55 AM   #10 (permalink)
Captain Awesome
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Originally Posted by SATCHMO View Post
I've always felt that DeNiro was the most overrated actor ever. It's not that he's a bad actor, it just that he always plays, well, Robert DeNiro in everything he does. Not much variation in his characters.
Are you ****ting me? yeah he gets the tough guy/gangster roles but that's because it's what he's good at. Nobody else could have played the parts he played as well as he did. Plus he's been in a lot of comedies and stuff lately. And what about hide and seek or godsend?

"If we're all merely players in a play on this great stage,
the problem is the script writers ain't on the same page,
I echo through the mountain when I'm singing in the air,
from my lab a lad with lavish lyrics living in his lair."

"Wake up and listen, hear what's not for the public's ears
Pinocchio poets played by profiting puppeteers"
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